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Update template Data Processing Agreement on the Penrose website

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Update template Verwerkersovereenkomst op de website van Penrose - GDPR

Update template Data Processing Agreement on the Penrose website

Penrose, a Dutch law firm that (amongst others) specializes in IT and privacy related matters and contracts, has actualized their template Data Processing Agreement on the website. This upgrade arises from the high demand at Penrose to these type of sample Data Processing Agreements.

For many years Penrose has been offering a broad variety of free-to-use template agreements on its website. The website also provides a lot of information on how and when to use these type of agreements.

The new and actualized template Data Processing Agreement can be found here. The template agreement can be downloaded in pdf, but also in word, in order for you to make the preferred changes and additions. Also, the Data Processing Agreement is available in both the Dutch and English language.

The Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

This sample agreement contains the standard and most common provisions in a data processing agreement, in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Within the framework of the GDPR, variations and additions to the text and the provisions remain of course possible. For example, when processing more sensitive personal data. The parts that still need to be completed in this template are marked yellow.

Furthermore, the offered template data processing agreement takes the position of the controller as the starting point. If you are looking for a processing agreement that takes the position of the processor as the starting point, or an agreement for joint controllers, please contact us.

Do you want to know more about the data processing agreement? Check out our website. Should you have any other questions about IT- or privacy or related agreements, please do not hesitate to contact Chantal Bakermans via, of by telephone via +31(0)6-19304389.