Tygron offers the Tygron Geodesign Platform. The company is based in The Hague, the Netherlands. Their IT platform provides a state-of-the-art High Performance Computing Solution to the most common challenges that engineers, governments, planners and designers face today. The platform helps organisations in their decision-making process in relation to important issues in the areas of flooding, drought, heat, energy, construction, infrastructure, livability and economy.
The Tygron platform is available as a platform-as-a-service to its users. The High Performance Computing infrastructure is based on GPU / CPU, multi-threaded and with multi-core processors having an extreme memory bandwidth. Their supercomputer has an exceptional computing power and roughly performs 100,000 tasks with an information processing speed of 300GB / s.
The Tygron platform, making use of the possibilities offered by the underlying supercomputer, creates the possibility to explore scenarios for, for example, climate adaptation, dyke improvement, energy measures or an urban development plan in a digital 3D world, where the impact of changes, adapted KPI’s or disasters are calculated and visualised instantly. This results in integral (numerical and systematic) feedback on performance indicators and used calculation models. The Tygron platform is largely used by municipalities, governmental water authorities, governmental provinces, project developers, city planners and consultants, already in more than 10 countries worldwide.
Penrose provides legal support to Tygron in the Netherlands in order to achieve its goals.